Report 2013-008-PSA - Performance Audit of the Agency’s Personnel Security Program

Fiscal Year
Executive Summary

Overall the objective of this audit was to ensure that EEOC has implemented a Personnel Security Program that adheres to policies and procedures as described by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the Code of Federal Regulations as well as to determine whether EEOC’s personnel security program was effective and efficient.
Although EEOC has designed an overall compliant personnel security program, we identified areas in which improvements are needed in the implementation of the program in order to achieve optimum effectiveness and efficiency.

• Classified Information Management,
• Suitibility Determinations, and
• Physical Security and Credentialing

Without such improvements, EEOC runs the risk of insufficient oversight, inadequate practices, and unauthorized disclosure of classified information. Also, not implementing these improvements to the personnel security program may result in individuals holding positions for which they are not suitable or fit, and limiting EEOC’s ability to protect national security, privacy-related information, and national interest. The conditions noted were caused by a lack of EEOC policies and procedures for classified information and ineffective implementation of established requirements.

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