The OIG hotline can be reached at 800-840-3237. Inspector General Act (IG Act) of 1978 as amended gave the OIG the authority to accept complaints from EEOC employees and the general public concerning criminal activity, fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement of EEOC programs and operations. Individuals, who wish to report EEOC fraud, waste, and/or abuse, should use our hotline complaint form or contact one of our hotline specialists at the number provided above.

You can also report wrongdoing using our online fraud, waste, and abuse portal, Report Fraud, Waste, & Abuse | EEOC Office of Inspector General.


The following is a list of complaints that are not accepted by the EEOC-OIG.

  1. Complaints or inquiries regarding charges or complaints of discrimination (including status inquiries, processing complaints, complaints about EEOC employees’ customer service, complaints regarding the merits of charges, or complaints of discrimination) [If you need additional information regarding charge processing, please visit https://eeoc.gov].
  2. Complaints of violations of the Agency’s collective bargaining agreement [Please contact EEOC's Office of Human Capital Officer].
  3. Complaints that do not relate to EEOC employees or programs.
  4. Complaints that relate to the programs or employees of another government agency [For additional information regarding other federal OIG's. please visit https://ignet.gov]
  5. Complaints that involve an Agency employee, but another agency has enforcement or regulatory jurisdiction (e.g., a complaint that an EEOC employee has falsified his or her federal income tax information should be presented to the Internal Revenue Service).
  6. Complaints about absence without official leave and leave usage.
  7. Complaints regarding insubordination.
  8. Complaints of discrimination, sexual harassment, or prohibited personnel practices.
  9.  Complaints regarding matters pertaining to physical security. 

The Inspector General Act of 1978 (IG Act) protects a complainant who chooses to remain confidential. The complainant may remain confidential (i.e., known only to the EEOC OIG except when the IG determines the disclosure is unavoidable or is otherwise legally compelled) or anonymous (i.e., unknown even to the EEOC OIG). If the complainant chooses to remain anonymous, EEOC OIG cannot obtain additional information on the allegation (e.g., testimonial or documentary evidence, identity of witnesses), and also cannot inform the complainant as to what action EEOC OIG has taken on the complaint. Confidential status allows further communication between EEOC OIG and the complainant after the original complaint is received. 

If you wish to report a complaint to the OIG please visit our website page Report Fraud, Waste, & Abuse | EEOC Office of Inspector General.  Please make sure you provide the following information:

  1. First and last name of complainant
  2. Address
  3. Contact phone number
  4. E-mail address (if applicable)
  5. Name of EEOC employees and office that are the subject of complaint
  6. Brief summary of complaint
  7. Date of complaint
  8. Whether anonymity or confidentiality is requested

If you wish to report wrongdoing, you can contact the following: 

Yes. It is unlawful for agencies to take or threaten to take an adverse personnel action against an employee because he or she disclosed wrongdoing. Adverse personnel actions include poor performance reviews, demotions, suspensions, terminations or revocations, and other forms of retaliation for filing an appeal, complaint, or grievance. Other types of protected activity include helping someone else file or testifying on his or her behalf, cooperating with or disclosing information to the Office of Special Counsel or an inspector general, and refusing to obey an unlawful order.

Protections for Federal employees include the Inspector General Act (IG Act) of 1978 (http://www.archives.gov/about/laws/inspector-act-1978.html), as amended, and the Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989

The OIG is an independent office created within the EEOC by the Inspector General Act Amendments of 1988. As outlined in the Act, the OIG's primary mission is to prevent and detect fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement and promote economy and government efficiency. The OIG carries out its responsibilities by conducting audits, evaluations, investigations, and other inquiries relating to the EEOC programs and operations.  The OIG also reviews proposed and existing laws, regulations, and internal guidance concerning EEOC.

To maintain independence, the OIG is prohibited from performing any Agency program functions.  This limitation does not prohibit the OIG from participating in "prevention" activities, such as agency policy development or serving in an advisory capacity on committees.  The Inspector General reports directly to the Agency's Chair and the United States Congress.

The OIG has a staff of eleven. The OIG staff positions include: an inspector general, a deputy inspector general, a counsel to the inspector general, a chief technologist, an information technology specialist, auditors (2), evaluators (2), investigators (2), and an administrative assistant.

The Inspector General is statutorily required to prepare semiannual reports for the Chair and Congress [Semi-Annual Reports | EEOC Office of Inspector General]. These reports, which are available to the public, must include the results of significant audits and investigations and the status of open recommendations.  Regularly, the Inspector General keeps the Chair and other agency officials informed by briefings and distributing documents.

Audits are objective and systematic assessments of how well offices carry out the EEOC programs and operations and focus on the process. Audits are conducted according to the Government Auditing Standards, known as the "Yellow Book," issued by the Comptroller General.  Evaluations involve assessing the strengths and weaknesses of programs, policies, personnel, products, and organizations to improve their effectiveness.  Its purpose is to make judgments to improve its effectiveness and to inform programming decisions.  Evaluations are conducted according to the Council of Inspectors General for Integrity and Efficiency, Quality Standards for Inspection and Evaluation.  Investigations are usually undertaken in response to reports of misconduct and focus upon a person(s). Investigations are conducted according to the Quality Standards for Investigations issued by the Council of Inspectors General for Integrity and Efficiency.  Investigation reports may be prepared to refer matters for prosecution, inform the agency of a basis for potential discipline, correct serious deficiencies, or inform other government agencies of the need for action within their jurisdiction. 

Audit and Evaluation reports are public documents and are available on this website. Please visit Audit/Evaluation Reports | EEOC Office of Inspector General

All EEOC employees, contractors, interns, and volunteers are required to cooperate with OIG audits, evaluations, and investigations or face possible administrative action. Cooperation means testifying if asked and providing information relating to the performance of your job-related duties. Employees are also responsible for reporting violations, suspected violations of the law, or any abuse, waste, mismanagement, or irregular activities regarding EEOC programs to the Office of Inspector General. 

The OIG is authorized to access all documents relating to EEOC programs and operations. The Inspector General may subpoena documents from private and non-federal government entities as necessary to conduct investigations.  Cooperating with an OIG audit, evaluation, or investigation does not curtail an individual's Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate oneself. Also, Federal laws protect employees from reprisal by employers for "blowing the whistle" on illicit activity. Click here to learn more about whistleblower protection.

Please reach out to your agency's Office of Inspector General to report fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement.  If you need your OIG's contact information, please visit https://ignet.gov.