Report 2008-003-AMR - Transmittal of Final Report: Oversight of Federal Agency Reporting—Management Directive 715 and Related Topics

Fiscal Year
Executive Summary

Attached, please find the Office of Inspector General’s (OIG’s) final report Oversight of Federal Agency Reporting—Management Directive 715 and Related Topics, OIG Report Number 2008-03-AMR.  Our report assesses how well the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s Office of Federal Operations (OFO) assists Federal agencies in meeting selected critical standards for Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) programs. The report contains six recommendations to improve OFO oversight of EEO programs.

We appreciate your assistance and cooperation with this review, including your timely comments on the draft report, which we included in their entirety as an appendix to this report. In the final report, we also included corrections based on your comments. We also thank the headquarters staff members who provided valuable input during the evaluation.