The Office of Inspector General (OIG) outlines the vision and priorities that guide the office as we carry out our mission to protect the integrity of EEOC programs and operations and the health and welfare of the people they serve through its Strategic Framework. A Strategic Framework is a comprehensive picture of the organization's strategy. It clarifies how individual efforts and team projects can be connected to achieve the best outcome. It includes meaningful target measures and a sequence of activities that help focus on the key efforts that implement the strategy. The framework articulates four goals: (1) fight fraud, waste, and abuse; (2) promote quality, safety, and value; (3) secure the future; and (4) advance excellence and innovation. These goals drive OIG's work, such as the planned audits and evaluations in OIG's annual Work Plan. The Strategic Framework also highlights key strategies and indicators for attaining and measuring results. It is designed to allow for flexibility to anticipate, assess, and respond to new challenges.
As we look to the Strategic Framework to guide our efforts in the coming years, we will update it to reflect our role in an evolving external environment. The Framework will continue to embody our guiding principles as we strive to ensure that Federal dollars are used appropriately.